Once Upon A Time 5×20 “Firebird” Recap

Spoilers Ahead To quote the 80s classic, The Princess Bride: “death cannot stop true love, it can only delay it for a while.” Episode Summary: In Flashbacks, while Emma’s searching for her birth parents, a Bail Bonds woman, Cleo, manages to convince her to let go and after her death, Emma pursues the same career. In the underworld, True Love’s kiss restarts Hades’ heart and the quest Killian and Emma

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Once Upon A Time 5×19 “Sisters” Recap

Spoilers Ahead “Sisters” is one of Once Upon A Time’s most beautiful and thematically powerful episodes. Episode Summary: Flashbacks reveal that there was a time when little Regina and Zelena got along incredibly well only to have their bond broken by Cora and their memories of one another completely wiped. In the present day, once Regina overhears Hades’ plans to leave the underworld and make a living with Zelena in

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Once Upon A Time 5×18 “Ruby Slippers” Recap

Spoilers Ahead A little courage could do wonders. Episode Summary: Flashbacks to a specific time none of us really know reveal Dorothy’s first meeting with Ruby and Mulan. And when Dorothy escapes to find Zelena, she’s put under a sleeping curse forcing Ruby to use the slippers in order to get revenge. When she ends up in the underworld and tells the heroes what she’s there for, they set out on

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Once Upon A Time 5×17 “Her Handsome Hero” Recap

Spoilers Ahead Once again, do not make the deals with the devil, kids — there’s always a trick with him. Episode Summary: Flashbacks reveal Belle and Gaston’s first meeting followed by an adventure that showcased what a powerful team they could’ve been if their story evolved further. However, when they’re reunited in the underworld, Gaston reveals she was a weakness and his quest to kill Rumple is the unfinished business

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Once Upon A Time 5×16 “Our Decay” Recap

Spoilers Ahead Love is enough … or at least for some. Episode Summary: In flashbacks, we learn that at the time when Zelena was first concocting her time travel spell, Hades was there to help her; only instead, he fell in love, but Zelena chose to carry on with her plans. In the present day, Belle, “baby green bean,” and Zelena are teleported to the underworld where Hades and Zelena

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Once Upon A Time 5×15 “The Brothers Jones” Recap

Spoilers Ahead It’s not enough to have others forgive you, you have to forgive yourself, too. Episode Summary: Flashbacks reveal the terrible deal Liam took with Hades to ensure his and Killian’s place in the King’s Navy. And when Liam doesn’t choose to see the best in Emma, she needs to put her heartache aside to fight and make sure Killian forgives himself. The heroes go on a quest to

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Once Upon A Time 5×14 “Devil’s Due” Recap

Spoilers Ahead Don’t make deals. Don’t ever make deals. Don’t make deals with Rumplestiltskin. Don’t make deals with Hades. Don’t make deals with Cruella. Just don’t make deals okay? Episode Summary: When a rare snake in flashbacks threatens Bae’s life, Milah and Rumple seek a man who can magically help him, but they cannot afford his asking price. Milah asks Rumple to kill him in order to steal the elixir,

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Once Upon A Time 5×13 “Labor of Love” Recap

Spoilers Ahead  Snow White is back and all’s well in the world again. Episode Summary: Bailee Madison reprised her role as young Snow as she became a better warrior due to the help she received from her demigod friend, Hercules (Jonathan Whitesell). In the underworld, Killian helps Megara (Kacey Rohl) escape in order to give Emma a message, but the three-headed beast Cerberus goes after them forcing Mary Margaret to

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Once Upon A Time 5×12 “Souls of the Departed” Recap

Spoilers Ahead 100 episodes. 100 beautiful stories told. Episode Summary: In flashbacks, we learn about the time Cora took Snow White’s heart only to have Henry Mills Sr. return it, which then sends Regina into a fury, and she shrinks her father. In the underworld, we learn that the souls of the departed found each has unfinished business. Cora tells Regina to leave or she’ll send her father to the

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Once Upon A Time 5×11 “Swan Song” Recap

Oh, we’re off to see the … Hades?! Episode Summary: In flashbacks, we learned that when Regina chose to test Killian, she had him confront his father after he’d abandoned him and Liam. In Storybrooke, we learned that in order for a soul from the underworld to be brought back, someone living must die. And a hero’s sacrifice saves the day, but because our town savior isn’t okay with losing

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Once Upon A Time 5×10 “Broken Heart” Recap

Spoilers Ahead It’s a dark, dark world out there. Episode Summary: In Camelot, we see an upset Killian enact the curse through Nimue which then forces Emma to wipe everyone’s memories in order to take care of everything on her own. In Storybrooke Killian takes away Emma’s memories and resumes his revenge while the heroes attempt to figure out his plot. Review | Analysis: The episode left a good majority

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Once Upon A Time 5×08 “Birth” and 5×09 “The Bear King” Recap

Spoilers Ahead Still haven’t caught our breaths enough to write something creative here. Episode Summary: In “Birth” we learn the truth about what transformed Emma into the Dark One, but we also learn that she’s not the only one in Storybrooke. Because Emma refuses to lose Killian, she tethers his soul onto Excalibur making him the Dark One as well. After she speeds up Zelena’s pregnancy in order to keep the

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Once Upon A Time 5×07 “Nimue” Recap

Spoilers Ahead Once Upon A Time writers always know how to give viewers a fantastic episode, and we’d say this has been the best one all season. Although we’re sure it’ll probably, definitely be topped next week. Episode Summary: In flashbacks, we learn about how Merlin came to all his powers and the choice he made to only use them for good. We also got a glimpse into his relationship with

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Once Upon A Time 5×06 “The Bear and the Bow” Recap

Spoilers Ahead Adventures and fierce ladies always make for great episodes. Episode Summary: In Camelot, Belle convinces Merida to courageously fight for her kingdom without the use of magic. In Storybrooke, while still under the Dark Swan’s control, Merida attempts to bring courage out of Rumple by threatening Belle. Arthur lies to the group about making contact with Merlin and when they learn the truth, they get Henry to do

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Once Upon A Time 5×05 “Dreamcatcher” Recap

Spoilers Ahead You can’t just end an episode there! Episode Summary: In Camelot, Emma resorts to the drastic decision of taking Violet’s heart in order to use Henry’s heartbreak as a way to free Merlin. Killian, Robin, Belle, and Regina break into the Dark Swan’s house and find Excalibur there. In Storybrooke Emma also makes amends with Henry and Violet, but it’s too late when Henry’s learned the truth by

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Once Upon A Time 5×04 “The Broken Kingdom” Recap

Spoilers Ahead Darkness is getting stronger and alliances are being tested. Episode Summary: In flashbacks, we watch Arthur’s obsession with becoming King overrule his rightful thinking while in present-day Snow and Charming showcase what it truly means to be in a partnership with your spouse. Killian tries to take Emma’s mind away from the voices inside her head. Sands of Avalon is used for all the wrong reasons. And the

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Once Upon A Time 5×03 “Siege Perilous” Recap

Spoilers Ahead Bromances, darkness, and more mysteries. Episode Summary: In Camelot, Charming and Arthur bond while in Storybrooke Robin and Hook plot a mission of their own. Dark Swan tries to find the hero that’ll pull Excalibur from the stone, but things go south when Hook refuses to give in to the darkness. Gold awakens and Arthur is the worst. Review | Analysis: Tonight’s episode was yet another reminder that

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Once Upon A Time 5×02 “The Price” Recap

Spoilers Ahead Trees. There will apparently be lots of them this season. Episode Summary: In Camelot, our heroes go to a ball where one of their lives is in severe danger due to Regina’s lie of being the savior. Although Emma succeeds in saving Robin, darkness creeps up on her. In Storybrooke, Emma tries to get Regina to take responsibility for her actions, and in the end, we learn that

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Once Upon A Time 5×01 “The Dark Swan” Recap

Spoilers Ahead Here we go again with glitches in our memories, new places, and the fight to make sure good always wins. In other words: the recipe which makes Once Upon A Time, well, Once Upon A Time. Due to the fact that the episode wasn’t shown in its usual flashback/present-day form, we’ll just dive straight into covering matters we feel are most important. First things first, we’d be lying

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Once Upon A Time 4×21-22 “Operation Mongoose” Recap

Spoilers Ahead And just like that Once Upon A Time reminds us of the fact that Emma Swan is one of the greatest fictional characters in history — “Operation Mongoose” Parts I and II were a solid two hours of fantastic television. Between the gorgeous costumes, exceptional performances, and nerve-wracking storylines, it’s been an epic ride leading us into a torturous three-month-long hiatus. Episode Summary: Isaac rewrites everyone’s stories into a

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