Chicago P.D. 4×01 “The Silos” Recap

Spoilers Ahead

Wouldn’t life be dandy if we just had all the answers in one episode?

Case Summary: Burgess and her new partner Julie Tay (Li Jun Li) save a woman’s life while the Intelligence unit busts a drug case that involves another officer. Commander Crowley interrogated Voight and Lindsay in order to find out what happened to Justin’s killer’s body.

Review | Analysis: “The Silos” wasn’t my favorite premiere (I’m still madly in love with season three’s “Life In Fluid”), but it was most definitely a good one. And while the episode appears to have wrapped things up in a complicated little bow, it’s actually revealed what may be the most complex season in Chicago P.D. history. Part of what makes this show so special is the rawness in their work and to lose that element today due to an officer not paying for his crimes would change the series drastically. As unfortunate as it is, and as understandable as Voight’s situation is, he shouldn’t get away with this.

Justin’s tragic death was undeserved and I can see why Voight took matters into his own hands. But being a firm believer in the fact that life in prison is worse than an instantaneous death, I can’t see how his actions are justifiable. And because I’d prefer for this series to stay realistic, at some point Voight will have to see punishment. Unfortunately, because he’d have to serve time in prison, I don’t believe the series will actually go there. But perhaps, if he argues self-defense in a sense, maybe he can serve less than the general 25 to life for murder. At the end of the day, it all comes down to the fact that if the series wants audiences to take it seriously, getting away with such things without a consequence isn’t what I’d want to see.

Taking into consideration that the body will probably not be found for a long, long time, I could see how a rift between Hank and Erin would affect him tremendously. And that’d be enough because, at the end of the day, I simply don’t want this massive case dropped as though it were nothing. And this leads me to the next point which is the fact that I don’t for a second believe that Erin switched the body’s location. Let’s take into consideration that Erin Lindsay is 5’7 and could probably lift about 120-30 lbs. (And that’s my estimate.) There’s absolutely no way she could’ve moved a grown man’s body all by herself as neatly as it appears to have happened within a couple of hours or even a day for that matter. Additionally, considering the fact that she’s been an emotional wreck and undoubtedly exhausted due to the evident lack of sleep she’s getting, actually partaking in the moving of a body without leaving a trace behind is close to impossible. Plus, something tells me that for once, it appears she’d actually take Jay’s advice in the matter. And although that’s what I’m hoping she’s doing, she’s clearly helped him in some way which leads me to believe that she’s probably led them towards a different location.

Sincerely hope I’m right or at least close to the above theory, at the rate we’re going, the only thing which feels certain is that it seems as though Erin’s genuinely struck by what Voight’s done. For the first time, she doesn’t agree with his actions and she’s torn between wanting to protect him, and also protecting herself. And I’m hoping this continues to be an emblem throughout the season with Voight regaining what he’s lost with her — trust.

Also, it’s worth mentioning that although I’m a massive fan of Erin Lindsay’s, it was interesting to see her confronted with the fact that she shouldn’t judge a controversial officer when she works for Hank Voight. Voight’s past isn’t a shock to anybody, but I’m hoping recent events prompt her to question him more. She could remain loyal to someone without continuously defending them, for the strongest relationships are the honest ones, and ultimately, two people will never agree on everything. I want her to learn that she can still love him and appreciate everything he’s done without having to agree with everything he’s done. She is allowed to be furious and she is allowed to be disappointed in the lines he’s crossed.

Most Exquisite Moment: Since there weren’t a lot of happy, heart-tugging moments this week, we’re going to go with the obvious and discuss Halstead’s break room pitch. I’ve often said that Jay’s graceful approach in light of sensitive topics are what makes him most suited to be Erin’s field and life partner. And considering they both tend to shut off when their mind are in the midst of a battle, they need one another to bring each other home. Jay’s approach couldn’t have come at a better time and since he’s been hinting at apartments since last season, it made perfect sense for him to bring it up at this moment. Jesse Lee Soffer’s display of vulnerability at that moment was astounding — Erin needed to see how much her silence was affecting Jay in order for her to feel safe enough to open up. “I don’t want you to come and go” may just be my favorite exchange between the two. So often their relationship has been up in the air, but this is a beautiful showcase of the fact that they’re in it for the long haul and I can’t wait to see her let her walls down with him. Erin needs a safe, honest place right now and her relationship with Jay is that very place. Choosing to trust and share her burdens with him is exactly what she needs to be able to deal with this situation right away.

Most Noteworthy Performance: Jason Beghe broke me in the final scene. While we can always count on a character’s sincere tears to bring me to tears as well, it was more than that this time. It was the way Beghe delivered Voight’s gratitude and adoration for Erin which floored me. Voight has absolutely no clue how much this has affected Erin and he has absolutely no clue that she’s essentially disappointed in him. But it doesn’t change the fact that the girl he took in when she was a teenager is the only remaining family in his life. And the sincerity in his voice weaved effortlessly with the weakness in his body was enough to leave me heartbroken. Beghe is great at authenticity and if this scene was this emotionally compelling, I can only imagine how emotions will unfold if Erin begins to pull away.

Worth Mentioning:

  • Is it too early to adore Tay already? I’m so excited to finally have another woman as an officer in the show because this is precisely what the series needs in order to advance its female/female dynamics. It was wonderful how quickly she opened up to Burgess and I’m excited to see where their friendship goes.
  • Olinsky’s line about remembering every door-to-door news delivery he made was unexpectedly haunting, but I loved that he was able to share that moment with Adam.
  • I really wish Olive wouldn’t pack up and leave with the baby so quickly, but I most definitely understand where she’s coming from. As much as it hurts that Voight’s essentially losing a grandson as well, her actions are for the best. She needs to be around family right now, but I’m hoping she doesn’t remain a stranger for the rest of their lives because their son needs a piece of Justin as well.

What are your thoughts on this week’s episode? Remember if there’s anything you’d like us to discuss, let us know in the comments section below. As much as we wish we could have discussions over at our Tumblr, we can’t. We see all the anonymous messages there and we’re sorry we can’t answer them, thereby if you want us to, simply say it below. Thank you so much and we apologize for the inconvenience.


  1. I like the dynamic between BurgTay.and hope to see more of them because hello, the estrogen was well needed. I totally agree that the fans need to think logically and figure out that there was no way Erin could have moved the body. I honestly don’t believe that Voight killed Kevin. He probably fired a warning shot at the ground that night and released him on his merry way. I hope to see more of the other characters (Atwater, Burgess, Ruzek) back stories that the how introduced in S1. I also want them to go back to the perfect blend of personal and police work that had in S1 and half of 2. I also believe that Erin has no clue what happened that night but at the ending scenes she conflicted because Voight is pulling her in one direction and Jay in the other.

    1. Wow, I actually hadn’t thought about the fact that maybe Hank hadn’t even killed the guy in the first place. And I actually hope you’re right about that because it’d be much better than the whole thing coming out later. Also, most definitely agree: we need all the estrogen on this show. It’s severely lacking.

      It’d be interesting if Erin actually has no clue and she’s just conflicted because getting closer to Jay means being unable to lie to him and chose someone above him. It’d be really fascinating to explore both these dynamics more this season and I hope that’s what the series ends up doing.

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